
Angelė Šimoliūnienė's three-dimensional video painting exhibition "Parting the curtain"

free of charge
Event date
2023-09-08 To 2023-09-09


Opening of the exhibition on September 8. at 5 p.m.
I was born in 1961. At home, in a family of servants. I studied at Pasvalis secondary school (now Petros Vileišios high school). I have been drawing since childhood, when I was in the sixth grade, the teacher called my parents, because representatives of the MK Čiurlionis School of Arts had come from Vilnius, and they persuaded me to let them study with them. My parents did not agree to send me to Vilnius, to a boarding school, where they would be able to see each other only during holidays. In school and camps, I always drew, and when I started drawing, I always received praise and the teachers started saying that she is our future architect. In all the classrooms there were notes above the blackboard, that was my work there, all the class schedules in the teachers' room and in the corridor were also my work. But I decided not to go into architecture because standing at a drawing board and drawing didn't seem interesting to me. I was a romantic, I liked literature, poetry, so I enrolled in Vilnius to study Lithuanian language and literature.
While working as a teacher of Lithuanian language and literature at Panevėžys "Vyturio" secondary school (current secondary school), I also enrolled in Klaipėda Music Academy to study directing. I was drawn to art. I had a drama studio, staged 32 plays. I was awarded a medal by the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture for my contribution to Lithuanian culture. I worked as a Lithuanian language and literature teacher for 22 years, as a director for 16 years, and I left school because I felt inside that I had to leave, something new had to start in my life. My mind said one thing, but I asked my inner self. I graduated the twelfth graders and I left with them. No one understood why I was leaving when I was so valued and loved.
I turned a new page of life. I remembered that I had a nurse's degree, so I decided to deepen my medical knowledge in Eastern medicine. I studied Chinese medicine for 3 years, then entered the Ayurveda Academy and also studied at the Jiva Institute in India. I realized that Eastern medicine looks at a person as a whole. While studying at the Ayurveda Academy, she invited art therapy specialist Marija Mendele-Leliugienė to complete the second session, she conducted an art therapy session for us. Something happened in me. I approached her and said, I want to study with you. That's how I got into her courses. And then at M. Romeris University, I went through art therapy training and psychiatry taught by psychotherapist E. Laurinaitis, then a genetics course with professor D. Serapina. I also learned psychological counseling using art therapy methods at the Institute of New Technologies and Coaching. I studied psychology of the Third Millennium based on western and eastern philosophy for 3 years. I studied for 4 years at the Holistic Health Education Institute. I also graduated from the Institute of Scientific Aromatherapy in France. Now I am studying Art and Art History at the Art Academy. I participated in international conferences of traditional and non-traditional medicine, prepared reports. I have received for educational activities and helping people St. Order of Duchess Olga. I work with people, I look at a person as a whole, I help to find the right path in the field of health and in life. I raised 3 sons, whom I am proud to have grown up to be honest, hardworking people. Our children come through us to us, we raise them and release them into life to continue on their own path. So are my works - like my children. They came through me and I release them into the world. They are dear to me because they opened a wider view of the world and what is beyond it. Looking at my paintings, I understood what they convey to me, that there is a world around us that is invisible to us, that we are never alone, we are always being watched: our actions and especially our thoughts are being watched.

More about the author in the link.