
Exhibition dedicated to blessed Teofilis Matulionis - 150th anniversary

free of charge
Event date
2023-06-11 To 2023-07-20


From June 11 until July 20 a painting exhibition dedicated to the Blessed Vol. For the 150th anniversary of the birth of Matulionis.

The painting exhibition exhibits works from the classic Vytautas Ciplijauskas to contemporary creators, for whom painting the portrait of blessed Teofilius was quite a challenge. It was intended to hold an exhibition of only paintings, but when the ceramicist offered his work, dedicated to Mr. Matulioniis, we decided to enrich the exposition with precious exhibits that have not been shown for a long time - relics of the II degree - details of the Blessed Arnot and the chair, which were preserved and donated to the Sacred Museum in 2002 after the exhumation of the remains.

The vocation of the clergy was a precious gift from the Lord to the Blessed One. He wrote in the First Pastoral Letter in Kaišiadorys: "The priest is the living artery of the Church." The main artery of the Church as the Body of Christ of Christ's science and graces". 20 years before the Second Vatican Council, he highlighted the fundamental truth of the Church, which Rev. Paul had discussed in his letters to the first Christians.

The artists present a wide range of themes: Vaidotas Šukys, through the symbolism of the oak tree, emphasizes the strength of the blessed, whose roots lie in the family, in the paternal homestead. Ceramicist Vilija Kinderavičiūtė, who created a gigantic and sparkling rosary in the colors of the sky, reminds pal. The importance of prayer in the life of T. Matulionis. In her work, Gražina Murelytė Ajauskienė emphasizes the brave position of the blessed one in relation to death. Depicting St. Holding a Franciscan skull, he boldly looks at the reality of earthly life. Archbishop Teofilius lived with great humility even in prisons and gave thanks for every dawn he met, for every starry night. He thanked the Lord for the fact that he had to suffer for Christ. This is written by Marija Osuchovska in the painting. She created this work here in the museum in 2014 and donated it. The artist, who went to her eternal home a good month ago in Warsaw, said that these words of thanksgiving to God by the martyr bishop deeply touched her heart.

The exhibition shows several works in which the image of the Blessed One was created by well-known artists in the field of non-church art: Patricija Jurkšaitytė, Andrius Zakarauskas, Vidmantas Jažauskas. It is interesting that the painting by the artist P. Jurkšaitytė. The image of Teofilius Matulionis turned out to be so successful that one can see his devotional pictures in churches.

Authors of works: P. Jurkšaitytė, A. Zakarauskas, V. Morkevičius, D. Sabaliauskienė, G. Ajauskienė, V. Šukys, S. Gylys, V. Kinderavičiūtė, V. Jažauskas.