
Movie "Nova Lithuania"

The cost of the event
Event date
2024-06-14 19:00 To 20:30


Feliksas Gruodis (Aleksandras Kazanavičius), a geography professor living in Kaunas between the interwar years, presents the Government with a crazy idea - to save the country from destruction by creating a reserve state overseas. Only the country's prime minister (Vaidotas Martinaitis), who is disillusioned with politics, trusts the professor. While both men decide whether to save others or save themselves, one of their marriages falls apart. The film was recognized as the best at the Athens and Riga film festivals.
"The unique ideas of the visionary Kazis Pakštas were resurrected 15 years ago in Marius Ivaškevičius's play and Rimos Tumin's play "Madagascar". After rejecting this personality, Karolis Kaupinis makes his debut in cinema and, paraphrasing today, creates an aesthetically sterile, sarcastic, surreal political satire." (Dovilė Raustytė-Mateikei)
Venue: cinema hall (A building).