
Exhibition of photographs by Ieva Jūra "Lonely tenderness"

free of charge
Event date
2024-04-21 To 2024-05-16


Hello, I'm Ieva Jura. The photographer of your life.
I see life in my own way, and photography is a reflection of my vision.

Eve Jura. Friends.
"Eve is a person who did not betray me. And that's it. Our acquaintance began with the crazy idea of a 100-concert tour, and at that time I really did not believe that this unknown girl would not only leave me in this adventurous project, but also become one of my closest souls in the future. That's how 100 concerts turned into 1000 and more. 1000 chats, 1000 photos, 1000 non-meetings and 1000 meetings. You are a photographer for a reason. I think a good photographer is a person who knows how to listen, see and feel. You are perfectly capable of that", - friend Vidas Bareikis

"Eve is the most beautiful vase in the world for me. We so often enjoy the most beautiful flowers, completely forgetting that the most important reason for blooming is the water and the vase in which the flowers spread, feed and grow. We don't notice so many of the most beautiful moments in life, and sometimes we forget that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Ieva sees very beautifully and so often becomes invisible in beauty, behind the lens, but everyone in front of her TAKES AND LOSES her", - friend Ieva Krivickaitė

"I got to know Ieva's photographs through the relationship with Ieva's inner sea, and I feel that in order to get to know her captured moments and aesthetics, it is enough to look at that opening inner depth, at Ieva's innate nudity in her words and works. I see Eve most vividly in the form of the sea. Just not that harsh. Eve's sea without wind. A calm depth into which you know it is deep, but the depth does not scare you, it embraces and caresses you. This sea is gentle to all it sees. It gently catches, makes love, captures with the heart and lets live. And what a gift that we can also see and feel those objects captured by the Heart of the Sea. From heart to heart!", friend Gabriele Černiauskaitė

Lonely tenderness

There is no one job that is the main one. There isn't one job that you like the most. There is a lot of truth here - behind the scenes, festive, everyday, full of happiness, love, sadness or trouble.
"Lonely tenderness" is about vulnerability and intimacy, the interaction of loneliness and tenderness and its beauty hidden in our everyday life. The whole spectrum of emotions is covered here - from calm contemplation to deafening joy. It is like a silent poem of man to man, evoking a sense of empathy and understanding for the figures in the photographs and inviting you to connect with them.
Through my lens, solitude becomes a haven where moments of quiet reflection are embraced rather than feared. I invite you to discover moments of beauty and tenderness and to remember that even in the loneliest moments we are not truly alone.