
Can artificial intelligence create a brand?

free of charge
Event date
2024-05-16 13:00 To 15:00


Are you starting a new business or already have experience but are having trouble maintaining consistency in your communication style? We invite you to the training, where we will talk about the simple steps that must be taken into account when creating a logo, choosing colors and typography, in order to achieve brand recognition and appeal to the target audience.
Can artificial intelligence tools do this work for you? During the training, we will discuss the main stages of creating a brand book and how to use AI to help us achieve results faster and more efficiently.
We will cover the following topics:
What is a brand guide (brandbook)
Design system and its development process
Overview and practical application of artificial intelligence tools in simulation branding
Evaluation and discussion of the achieved result.
The training will be conducted by Dovilė Radvilavičiūtė, an expert in visual communication and graphic design.
Participation is free, registration is required