
Introductory - entertainment education in Biršton

education / degustation

Familiarization tour - guided bike ride around Birštonas:
healing with the unique method of the German clergyman S. Kneip;
getting to know mineral springs and tasting them;
familiarization with the services provided by the balneological resort;
cycling through the forest of Žvērinčius along the paths of Kunigaičšų Vytautas.

Fun excursion "Don't pollute nature - travel in a silent electric car"
We will visit Birštonas observation tower, the highest in Lithuania.
Dzūkis culinary heritage "Dzūkišk bandų" - "Lituviško midaus" dining education

Accompanied by a guide, you will go to a village farm, where you will get to know the ancient dish of the local region - "Dzūkiškas bandos". You will cook the meal yourself, "shoot" in the clay oven. During the education, you will hear the whole history of the origin of this dish and of course you will enjoy it to your heart's content. You will have the opportunity to hear the history of the origin and production of the culinary heritage, to get acquainted with the unique Lithuanian drink, which today plays the role of "ambassador" abroad.

Musical entertainment (optional):
Presentation of local folklore traditions;
song and dance instruction;
Enchanting Tambourine Rhythms.
Duration - 4-5 hours
Price – 35 Eur (per person)
A group of at least 10 people.

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