Time for the Easter holidays!

2024/03/28 Culture

Birštonas resort - for your health and relaxation. From March 29 until April 7

Holy Week and Easter services at St. Antanas Paduvietis Church, Birštona

April 1 The Pramogų kalnas toboggan run starts the season.

Mineral water springs and pavilions are opened

On a sunny afternoon, you can sit down and enjoy the sun on the outdoor terrace
Esse outdoor terrace
Old Town Grill outdoor patio
The taste rooms and outdoor terraces of Little Italy
Outdoor meeting tables in the center of the resort.

We recommend trying Easter educations in Birštonas museums and visitor centers
Easter education
What does the Easter daisy pattern mean?
Easter lamb
Easter bunny cake
Stripes in strip carpets
Easter printing education

Birštonas tour bike rental and an electric car will be waiting for those who want to take an active ride or go for a ride.

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