
Dance and contact improvisation performance "Consequences"

free of charge
Event date
2023-06-18 16:00 To 16:40


Consequences, by Spanish physical theater creators Cia Moveo, explores the boundary between reality and fiction. The dance performance through movement considers the significance of these two concepts for our daily lives in the age of accelerated time in which we live. This is a work full of irony about the possibility of getting off on the wrong foot, being late, fooling around, missing the mark, and the consequences that accompany these things. By engaging the audience, the dancers invite us to stop for a moment and listen to the world around us.
Director: Stéphane Lévy
Performers: Agnès Jabbour, Xavi Palomino, Siziana Reiser, Pino Steiner, Adrià Viñas.